Exit Planning

Some Non-Obvious Ways an Exit Plan Can Help

You own a high-quality business and want to sell. You are motivated to sell and have taken the actions necessary to ensure you can obtain the most for your But what is a motivated seller? Sellers are motivated when they have had a major life event that strongly indicates that selling the business is a good idea.  Or are just old-fashioned burned out. The business owner may recognize they want to sell. They need to sell but something just doesn’t seem right. If that is you, maybe you haven’t adequately addressed these important questions. How much money will you get…

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Exit Planning

Succession Planning is a Process

There is one thing that the owner of a privately held business can do to increase the value of the said business. Have a management team that can run the business without him/her. To be truly saleable, the business needs to be more than just the owner. Succession of the business leader also becomes important when retirements, death, or other potentially disruptive events occur.  Replacement managers must be ready to step in when needed. Here is a succession process that works. Identify the critical, most important positions that must be filled. You will need to identify all of the critical…

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Buying & Selling a Company, Exit Planning

Mergers & Acquisitions Trends First Half of 2019

Alteris LLC tracks Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) valuation and other trends/metrics from its various partners and research sources. We will periodically report on what we find here. For more detailed information on valuations and M&A trends contact us directly. Please note that this information is a summary, generalized for many different types of companies of various sizes. Every company is unique and the valuation metrics will be different for each. This data is collected from various sources and includes proprietary deal information from over 200 PEGs (Private Equity Groups) on $10-250mm sponsored transactions, with an average TEV near $50mm. The…

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Business Valuation, Exit Planning, Tax

Beware the Stealth Tax

Following are two articles I posted on LinkedIn. They describe an attempt by the IRS to implement a “stealth tax” on business owners. Because business valuation techniques and processes can be somewhat obscure for most people, the impact of such a change could easily have passed unnoticed. Business valuation is both art and science and this is an example of how these two factors interact. We need to always be diligent about changes in public policy that are hidden in this way. There are real implications for real people. Posted on LinkedIn November 7, 2017: This is a follow-up to…

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