Alteris LLC tracks Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) valuation and other trends/metrics from its various partners and research sources. We will periodically report on what we find here. For more detailed information on valuations and M&A trends contact us directly. Please note that this information is a summary, generalized for many different types of companies of various sizes. Every company is unique and the valuation metrics will be different for each. This data is collected from various sources and includes proprietary deal information from over 200 PEGs (Private Equity Groups) on $10-250mm sponsored transactions, with an average TEV near $50mm. The…
Venture Capital Activity in Q2 2019
My valuation and financial consulting business, Alteris LLC, has worked with startups and early stage investors in the USA (including Silicon Valley), Europe and Africa. We track activity in this market and will periodically report on that here. For definitional purposes, we define venture capital as investments into early stage businesses. Private Equity is investing in later stage business. New business, venture capital and startups and are a critically important part of the economy in the USA. I recall reading where over 1/3 of all jobs in America in the last 20 + years came from this source. In the…
M&A Valuations for Q3 2018
Alteris periodically reports on valuation metrics for companies in the lower middle market. When the owner of a privately held business decides to sell their company, they will want to know what they can expect to receive. This is not entirely a straightforward process, as each company and buyer are unique. There will be circumstances and factors specific to a certain company and its buyer that will raise or decrease the value of an individual business. Further, the state of the M&A market in general and for certain types of companies specifically will either increase or decrease the value of…
Mergers & Acquisition Trends through 2018 Q3
Alteris LLC tracks Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) valuation and other trends/metrics from its various partners and research sources. We will periodically report on what we find here. For more detailed information on valuations and M&A trends contact us directly. Please note that this information is a summary, generalized for many different types of companies of various sizes. This data is collected from various sources and includes proprietary deal information from over 200 PEGs (Private Equity Groups) on $10-250mm sponsored transactions, with an average TEV near $50mm. The information available as of November-December 2018 show that valuations on private middle-market transactions…
Mergers and Acquisition Trends – August 2018
Alteris LLC tracks Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) valuation and other trends/metrics from its various partners and research sources. We will periodically report on what we find here. For more detailed information on valuations and M&A trends contact us directly. Please note that this information is a summary, generalized for many different types of companies of various sizes. This data is collected from various sources and includes proprietary deal information from over 200 PEGs (Private Equity Groups) on $10-250mm sponsored transactions, with an average TEV near $50mm. The information available as of August 2018 show that valuations on private middle-market transactions…
Consumer Products Industry Trends
Companies in the consumer products industry are developing newer and bolder strategies to execute with the environment of a more stable US and worldwide economy. Among the latest trends are: Globalization continues. Companies that have the resources will try to capitalize on growth in emerging markets and seek opportunities to acquire or partner with companies to enable access to consumers, leverage marketing and access sources of raw material. In particular, emerging markets represent a growth opportunity. We believe this will remain true regardless of individual national efforts to protect markets or create trade barriers or the implementation of industrial policy…
Business Services Industry Trends
The business services industry consists of a very broad variety of services sold to other businesses. Companies from this sector help other firms focus on their core competencies. These companies help benefit others by increasing their operating efficiencies and avoid spending resources on what is not the most important to them.. Business services companies provide support to other businesses, such as office administration, hiring and of personnel, security services, telecommunication, travel, cleaning and maintenance, waste disposal and so on. The USA and Europe are the primary markets for these types of services. USA business services consists of about 400,000…